
The Team at Ellis Wealth Management provides Planning Advice and Coaching along with discretionary and advisory investment management. A values based approach is combined with imaginative, holistic scenarios to provide risk management models that reflect real world choices and dynamic outcomes. With a network of professionals that span the breadth of the industry, whether your needs are tall or small, we have the resources to assist you.

Advisory services are available for:

  • Planning
  • Independent Review Services
  • Corporate Accounts
  • Personal Accounts
  • Trusts
  • Retirement Accounts
  • Special Needs
  • Business Continuity
  • Exit Planning
  • Family Meetings and More

what to Expect in the first appointment

The first meeting is a time of discovery. It is an opportunity for a clear and honest discussion regarding your dreams and your values. We ask, we listen. Then, together, we design.

Creating Your Strategy

Success begins with a Plan!
Only after an understanding of your assets, family, and family governance can we together create a financial plan and strategy that fits with your desired legacy and lifestyle. Traditional and non-traditional asset classes are incorporated into longterm strategies – that are also sensitive and timely for your world today.

Goal, Plan, Action

Independent Review Services:

If you want a second opinion or guidance on assets held away – with hourly and retainer options we can assist you with our Independent Review Services platform.

Flexible Scheduling

Your schedule is demanding. Our best clients contact us via mobile phone, tablet, web or traditional visits. Your preference. Financial Freedom and Calendar Freedom can indeed go together.